Creative director:
Jitinan Paisansathan

Brand or organization: Ayada

Perfume name: Van-Sao-Luung

Perfumer name or Team: Jitinan Paisansathan

Website or Facebook: Ayada, scent of thai หอมไทย


                    Concept : The wisdom of herbal aroma to promote Thai Charisma and benevolent force description : Providing comfortably relaxing and calming scent,  Van-Sao-Luung herb is significant part of producing amulets to create the power of kindness. In Thai herbal ancient remedies, it is used as rejuvenating heart and gives the special adour for Thai herbal compress balls. Inspired by the myth of van sao luung and ancient Thai holistic health, Van-Sao-Luung perfume is create to bring the positive thoughts to empower people life in order to build generosity in society which is the unique Thai Charisma on earth.
                   Technique : Inspired by ancient Thai perfumery process of professor M.R Saengmard Nawarat, the Van-Sao-Luung perfume is composed of the natural tinctures (Van-Sao-Luung, sandalwood) , civet as fixative and added more aroma compounds to create the scent uniqueness with mimosa, lavendin, nutmeg, sandalwood as well as other aroma molecules which relate to main scent to give the brightness, tonalide, musk ambrette etc. in order to perceive the scent remarkable.    

Top notes : Lavandin oil
Middle notes : ว่านสาวหลง tincture, น้ำมันหอมระเหยว่านสาวหลง, sandalwood tincture, nutmeg, mimosa.
Base notes : Agarwood, Tonalide, galaxolide, musk ambrette, ชะมดเช็ด