The Aesthetics of Scent Awards 2024


The Aesthetics of Scent Awards 2024 

The first official fragrance competition in Thailand.  We would like to invite all perfumers and perfume brands to witness this phenomenal event of Thai fragrance industry. Unlimited imagination is about to begin. Whether you are in the finals or not, you are a part of the creative force that drives the Thai perfume industry forward. This is a chance for everyone in the industry to together elevates the perfume industry.

Please read all the information and conditions as follows before submitting the registration.


1. Fashionable Fragrance Award

Qualification: Fashionable Fragrance Award is suitable for perfume creation that works for the masses, easy to understand and straightforward suitable for the general public. Scoring is based on the art of the scent and creative.

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2. Artisan Award

Qualification: The category for creation by sole perfumer or perfume brand owners, with aspects highlighting the artistry or unique characterization. Scoring criteria are based on creativity Presentation and techniques.

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3. Thai Enhancement Award (Oud,2024)

Qualification: A competition field with missions to challenge the abilities of perfumers or perfume brand owners. The challenge in 2024 is to use oud to make perfumes interesting and unique. You can procure agarwood yourself or follow the event instructions which will be announced later. Scoring criteria are based on relevance. Presentation on the topic of Oud, techniques and creativity.

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4. Rising Stars Award

This field of competition is suitable for perfumers who entered the contest for the first time. Wishing to introduce a new scent approach or identity to find the direction in a crafting of fragrance in the future and to test the market. Scoring criteria are based on novelty, presentation, and technique.

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Cost of submission:
The application fee for each perfume creation is 3,000 Baht(85 US dollar).


Registration submissions: 09 DEC 2023 – 30 MAY 2024

DEADLINE FOR Perfume Sample Submissions:
No later than 30 MAY 2024 (12.00 am.)

The process of entering the contest consists of 3 steps.

Step 1: Fill in the online form and complete payments. and pay the fee via

Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)
Account name: Thai Perfumers by Mr. Chatnithit Ch.
Account numbers : 566-567500-4

Step 2: Our staff will confirm your submission and send you equipment and detail on how to submit your creations to the address you provided in the application.

Step 3: Send sample products of 120 ml. in vessel supplied by the contest team, seal and affix detail of perfumer, name of perfume, brand, and company (if any) branch/category of competition, email matching the application to avoid confusion.


  • Competing perfume in the competition from independent perfumer and artists in various fields or companies, submitting perfume must be made from a privately owned company in control of not more than 4 perfume brands under their control.
  • Each applicant, 1 person or 1 brand can submit only 1 creation in each field of the contest.

The Aesthetics of Scent Award 2023  

– The first round is audition at Seacon square srinakarin Bangkok during 08-12 February 2024.

– In the Final round after the audition, all works will be evaluated by the judges in each category. Then the finalists’ perfumes will be exhibited to the public and mass media before the announcement of winners from each category in July 2024.

Awarding criteria

The judges for each category of The Aesthetics of Scent Awards 2024, are specialists and experts from a wide range of artists with international recognition. In order to get the scoring from multiple perspectives.  Entries will be judged by a group of people who are competent and understand a wide range of scents, whether from artistic perceptions of the artists or large enterprises or even for an interesting new work.

* Note*

Entrants that have been entered into the wrong category or are not of the described criteria will be disqualified, and the application fee will not be refunded.

If you are unsure of which category your perfume creation should be entered into, please email our staffs at:

+ The rules

+ The judges