Sitapaat Suttisuntrangkura currently is a full-time top management of hospitality business, a law consultant, a freelance writer and is recently known as a perfume designer.
Sitapaat is the owner and designer of Scent ‘N Soul, a Thai perfume brand established in late 2019. The brand character reminds to something easy to use, vibes of comfortably gorgeous, not too complicated but there are always some WOW factors hidden.
Scent ‘N Soul brand firstly launched to public in the event “Bangkok Design Week 2021” and continued in 2022 as a contestant of
“The Aesthetic of Scent Awards 2022” with 3 perfumes in Fashionable Fragrance Award section. The greatest achievement is the WINNER prize of Fashionable Fragrance POPULAR VOTE AWARD from the perfume called “COME AS YOU ARE”. Additionally, Scent ‘N Soul also carries the 1st RUNNER UP of Fashionable Fragrance Award from “Mystery Night”, the perfume that inspired by oriental flowers and Thai poetry and the brand’s best seller “Cotton Rhythm” also listed in top 10 Finalists.